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Friday, December 11, 2009

chanukkah hanukkah and upennTonight is the first night of Channukah, or Hanukkah if you prefer.

To celebrate, check out what the short film risk-y filmmaker Jason Merrin (C'13) created in honor of this first night.

After the jump, watch the real Gladiator action starting at minute 1:33! ( check out some other holiday viral video sensations!)

Happy Hannukkah/Chanukkah everyone!

Then, enjoy this holiday viral hit: "Hanukkah in Santa Monica"

...A redone Chanukkah classic by Neil Diamond:

...A very funny (non-Chanukkah, but still Jewish!) spoof on the making of Disney's new princess: the Jewish American Princess.

And finally, what would Chanukkah be if I didn't share a poem forwarded to me by my mother and the rest of the Jewish "email chain letter" world:


'Twas the night before Christmas and down here in Boca,
I was sitting at Starbucks, drinking my mocha.

I know we're all Jewish, but was wondering still, if Santa would come here and give us a thrill.

On my way home, no Christmas lights did I see, on the houses, the windows, not even the trees.

What a strange feeling. Not a decoration in sight.
Was it really December or a warm summer's night?

I drove past the deli's, there were lines out the door.
People were waiting for kishka and more.

The restaruants were busy, Christmas dinners not planned.
Never, not here we're in Boca Land.

At home all was quiet. I left out Kosher wine,
In case Santa came to Boca for the very first time.

Snoozing came easy to me Christmas Eve. I wasn't waiting for presents to be left under a tree.

I could hope all I want. I could fuss and then see,
if Santa would make time for little old me.

Then all of a sudden he pulled up in his Jag, with a sack full of presents each sporting a tag.

Oh Bloomies, oh Saks, a computer and more. He knows where to shop, he frequents my stores!

He looked for the lox, the bagels and jelly.
He came to Boca first to fill up his belly!

"I have a long night ahead, I want you to know.
From Boca I leave for Boston and the snow."

He stayed for a while, he chatted and ate.
Then he left in a flash before it got late.

What a great night I thought with a sigh.
That jolly old Santa is a really nice guy.

As I cleared off the table I heard with delight
"Shalom to you all, and OY, what a night!!

Happy Chanukah To All


Posted by Matt | 2:08 PM | , , , , , | 0 comments »

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