Jason Seiden (W ’95) will unleash your career potential and he’ll entertain you in doing so.
Jason’s latest book “How to Self-Destruct: Making the Least of What’s Left of Your Career” isn’t your traditional business book. ...Why you ask?
Per Jason,
“If traditional business books worked, Corporate America would be nirvana. If they were interesting, people would turn off "The Daily Show" to read them. Look around: Corporate America is the opposite of nirvana, and 75% of Americans don't read. Enter How to Self-Destruct: the wisdom you need, the entertainment you want. Expect to walk away feeling genuinely good about your position, feeling validated as a human, and feeling in control of what to do next.”

Per Jason,
"What holds people back in their careers usually isn't the challenge confronting them, it's the energy they waste stressing about the challenge in front of them. People know this. Still, they knowingly feed their stress, embrace tunnel vision, and allow themselves to get overly emotional. We walk around with all the potential in the world, unable to use it because we've got our heads up their asses. What I do is help people regain perspective so they can get back to more success-oriented routines."The tactics Jason sees people using to find new jobs seem almost guaranteed to result in failure. In the spirit of "How to Self-Destruct", per Jason, here are 5 easy ways to "job proof" your recession:
"1. Change your Twitter bio to read, “Looking for a job.” This is analogous to going to a bar wearing a shirt that reads, “Looking for a spouse.” We all know how this story ends. Like Van Halen said: “Jaime’s crying.”
2. Apply to millions of jobs. Why take the time to find the one job that’s right for you and put your passion into that, when you can put minimal effort into scores of applications and whiff them all?
3. Adopt a bad attitude. Because I bet interviewers just love it when candidates coming in dripping with resentment. Seriously, which is more bitter, you or your coffee? I hope it’s you.
4. Become one with the major job board. I know you like to talk about standing out. I also know that plan is super hard to execute when standing in the middle of a crowd of hundreds. Of thousands.
5. Really emphasize work/life balance. Employees: with so many people looking to replace you, it’s good to make it easy for them by announcing that you only want to work so hard for the money. Searchers: Ratchet down your chances by making the job hunt a part time endeavor!"
The list is continued, and anecdotes are provided at http://jasonseiden.com/how-to-job-proof-your-recession/
Check out the first 2 chapters of the book HERE +/- (click to expand)

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