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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

UPenn and Fashion

For both my continuing Pinching Pennies and Website Wednesday series, I have a great site that will help you save money while maintaining your inner diva.

UPenn and Mona BijoorWith her new endeavor Divas Die Poor, Mona Bijoor (College '98, Wharton MBA '05, GUIDE, West Philly Tutoring) has created a site which focuses on staying fashionable without breaking the bank. You'll find designer deals and steals, insight on the best prices for designer duds, and tips on great places to shop.

How did Mona get this idea for the site?  Per Mona,

"I grew up in a pretty cost conscious household. My parents rarely paid full price for anything—and when they did they hated it. In spite of this principle ingrained in me, I have always loved fashion and developed some pretty high-end taste.

After Penn, I went on to make good money and I spent a lot of it. Then I married someone (from Penn) who made even more money than me. So I spent mine and his. And then I went to work in the fashion industry and spent even more.  Now I have come full circle. I am back to the principles I learned at home, but not totally interested in pursuing the zen life yet. I still love fashion. I love putting together amazing outfits and decorating my home. But I am no longer interested in throwing my money out the door.

This site is my quest to find easy ways to save money while maintaining your own personal taste and style. I don't believe in adopting bizarro ideas to save money. I hope to get some of my fashionista friends to share advice on spotting great items for good value. Together we can learn how to get the things we want without breaking the bank."
Some fun articles to check out:
Top Me Off

Starsky and Clutch

Work It Out: 10 Timeless Work Essentials
If anyone out there is interested in contacting Mona about the fashion industry, she welcomes your emails. She is based in NYC and has worked for Chanel, Elie Tahari, Mimi Maternity, and Ann Taylor. She is now developing an online consignment concept for the high end.  Her email is Follow her on twitter HERE

UPennMore $$$ Saving and Job Advice from my Pinching PENNies series HERE

More Penn alumni Fashionistas


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