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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Earlier this week, I posted video of TV writer (and Penn in Pictures') host Lew Schneider (C'83) and "ER" Medical consultant, Zach Lutsky (C'97) talking about their beginnings in Hollywood.

Today, I continue my Penn in Pictures series with great video of TV writer Sherri Cooper Landsman (C'94). Sherri got her start with a bantery screenplay Juliet Finkelstein Does The Hamptons, and has been working solidly ever since, working initially for Darren Star ("Miss Match") and then on "American Dreams". Now on "Brothers and Sisters", Sherri is a prolific writer, and has shouldered significant producing responsibilities, both in terms of re-writing other writers and in terms of the actual production of the episodes.

In the videos below, Sherri talks about:
  • Her path from Penn to Columbia film school to Hollywood
  • What short film she did in film school, how she got her short film turned into a feature film … and how she paid for her film! (you’ve got to hear this!)
  • What she did when she moved back to LA
  • What her first writing job was in LA
  • What she does as a producer and writer on “Brothers and Sisters”
  • What it’s like in the writer’s room, what it’s like shooting scenes and how many episodes the show has to do this year

A special thanks to editor David Chalfin (C'96), a fantastic editor living in Los Angeles who recorded and edited all the Penn in Pictures videos. Check out his reel here!

"ER" Medical consultant Zach Lutsky (C'97)
VIDEO: TV Writer Lew Schneider (C'83)
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Posted by Matt | 7:50 PM | , , , , , , | 0 comments »

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