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Friday, October 10, 2008

A Penn alum splitting from a major studio and another Penn alum continues to be a TV making machine!

Click here for your delicious dose of this week's scoop.

Check out my October Contest and win cool swag!

Stacey Snider (C'82) and Steven Spielberg leave Dreamworks to work at their new Reliance Big Entertainment backed movie company ..and need a line of credit! More here

My past posts about Stacey here

More of my Penn "Film Producer" posts here

Mark Cronin (Eng'86) is a reality TV making machine!

  • His second installment of "Charm School" Premieres on Sunday, October 12 at 9:00 PM ("Rock of Love Charm School") where he's putting 14 of the most memorable contestants from "Rock of Love with Bret Michaels" through Etiquette school with Sharon Osbourne.

  • And then on October 20 at 9:00PM, Mark spins off more of his previous contestants into a show of their own. This one takes 'Real' and 'Chance' from "I Love New York" and puts them in a new show called "Real Chance of Love"
"The tables have turned for these horse-breeding, music-producing entertainer brothers known as the "Stallionaires" who were just seen in the high stakes show "I Love Money" where they duked it out in an attempt to win the grand prize of $250,000. Real tried to find love on "I Love Money" after proposing to Hoopz but was sadly turned down once again. Now, Real and Chance are the ones in control and this time it'll be a gamble for 17 young ladies who will move into their ranch house to fight for their hearts."

My past Mark Cronin posts here

Read my past Hollywood Bits and Pieces posts!

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Posted by Matt | 2:05 PM | , , , , , , | 0 comments »

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