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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Shia LaBeoufPhoto credit: Patrick Wolff ('09)

I just read from blogger "lopezdash", that there's a rumor spreading across Penn that although the second Transformers movie filmed at Penn, the actual film will be set at Princeton!

Students are um, upset(!) and have created a facebook group protesting this.

...Apparently however it seems from one post in the facebook group that Penn wouldn't give the film the rights to Penn's name. Anyone know anything about this?

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Posted by Matt | 11:05 AM | , , | 1 comments »

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  1. Matt // June 27, 2008 at 10:35 AM  


    Here is a follow-up to my article above article, per

    "The many people that have been wondering how Sam Witwicky (played by Shia LaBeouf) can be accepted in either Ivy League school of Princeton University or University of Pennsylvania can rest easy that he will not be. In fact, the name of the school he attends most likely will not be named at all.

    "['Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen' Director Michael Bay] has indicated to me that neither school gave permission to use their names," writes "nelson," the site administrator of Mr. Bay's official website.

    "There was a very funny 'mom' scene were both [universities] felt it did not represent the school."

    The response from Mr. Bay was prompted by a message from the group "An Open Letter to Michael Bay from the University of Pennsylvania," which reads:

    Princeton? Really? You HAD to shoot at the University of Pennsylvania and choose to have us 'play' Princeton? Shia couldn't have gone to UPENN? Join this group and ask Michael Bay to CGI the University of Pennsylvania (not Princeton) back into Transformers 2.

    In an article we have previously reported on, Mr. Bay says his decision to shoot at Princeton was because the campus reminds him of his alma mater, Wesleyan University.

    "I just love the look of the university," Mr. Bay told The Times."

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