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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mrs. LieutenantIn late January, I reported that Phyllis Zimbler Miller’s (WG’80) novel Mrs. Lieutenant: A Sharon Gold Novel had been nominated as a semi-finalist for the first Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award competition.

Phyllis’ story is a personal one based on her own experiences in 1970 as one of 4 women who came together when their husbands went on active duty as officers in the U.S. Army.

In developing this story, Phyllis used all the original army documents from that time as reference while she was writing ...and now you can see some of these original army documents among other items on her book's website.

Visit Phyllis’s website and check out:

  • The first four chapters of the novel – one from the point of view of each of the four women protagonists: a Northern Jew, a Southern Baptist, a Puerto Rican, and a black from the South
  • The “Support Military Families” section – Per Phyllis, “When my husband and I were later stationed in Munich , Germany , I learned from personal experience how important were such things as the Passover food items supplied to us by the Jewish Welfare Board. Thus, without taking a position on the current fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan , I wanted my website to encourage people to support the needs of military personnel and their families. The website’s “Support Military Families” section describes some of the many current support organizations, all of which are in need of financial donations. These organizations range from Soldiers’ Angels – with the mission statement “may no soldier go unloved” – to Jews in Green – addressing the special needs of Jewish military personnel. And there are links to each organization’s website so that visitors to can easily support U.S. deployed military personnel and/or their families back home.
Read Phyllis' and other Penn authors' advice on becoming a novelist

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