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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Did you know that the Penn engineers build a race car every year for an annual collegiate competition?

Formula SAE is a collegiate competition held every year in May in Michigan. Around 120 schools compete with open cockpit race cars powered by motorcycle engines.

According to Gregor Zetsche (Eng '08), "Formula SAE started 4 years ago, and currently is sponsored by the engineering school as well as other sponsors (GM, Daimler and lots of other companies). We build the car in the Towne building on campus. Its entirely built by students from the school, most of which are mechanical engineers. We've had lots of people do internships at GM and other car companies, but we've only had about 4 people graduate since the teams inception. One of the alumni (Laurence) actually worked on the new Hummer H3."

Click here to check out the 2006 car in action

Stay tuned to see the 2008 car currently in development!

Check out more on Penn's Formula SAE team

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