Attention music lovers and Penn alumni Film and TV producers who need uplifting, catchy music for their shows...
Meet singer songwriter Gabriel Mann (C'95, Off the Beat).
Gabe releases his 4th full-length studio album Tall Buildings on Tuesday and per Gabe it's his "most fully realized material to date". I've been listening to it for about a month now and it is not only great, but it is infectious!
Per Gabe, "It's been in the works since I returned from my tour opening for Alanis Morrisette in Europe in the spring of 2005, and the songs cover some particular events from that period of my life, the lives of those near and dear to me, and places that are important to me.
Enjoy his music below!
Listen to Shadows of Tall Buildings
“I’ve always felt comfortable in New York,” says Mann. “And the title track reflects feelings I’ve often had there. Shadows of Tall Buildings represent our greatest expectations. Sometimes we fulfill them, sometimes not – sometimes we are relegated to the shadows, sometimes we are able to rise above.”
Listen to Eight Feet Tall
"Eight Feet Tall is about pressure, stress, and the difficulty of standing up to those who would bring you down, as well as the insecurity that comes with these pressures."
Click here to see how Gabe got his start in the music business
Click here for more of my Gabriel Mann posts
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