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Friday, March 16, 2007

Voice Actress and UCLA Extension Instructor, Janet Wilcox (ASC'78), is the author of a new book, Voiceovers (with CD): Techniques and Tactics for Success

"Ever been told you have a great voice? Put it to use with a career as a voice-over actor! In Voice-Overs, a veteran voice-over actor, writer, producer, and voice-over teacher provides the inside scoop on the industry and gives all the tools needed for personal training. This one-of-a-kind resource includes a CD featuring vocal exercises and exclusive interviews with voice-over actors. A treasure trove of exercises, games, and improv and acting techniques helps readers build their skills. Sample scripts from real ads provide practice, and interviews with agents, casting directors, and producers provide insights that will help new voice-over actors get started and get hired. Tips on making a demo, auditioning, getting an agent, interpreting copy, developing a personal marketing plan, and much more mean that soon that great voice will be bringing in income as well as compliments."

Posted by Matt | 7:28 PM | , , , , , , | 0 comments »

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