Journalist and writer
Jordana Horn, (C'95/L'99, Executive Editor of the DP, current '95 Class President) is hoping to rally the support of Penn alumni and undergrads for a fantastic cause.
Madness Against Malaria is a fun, international competition to identify the team that is best at raising funds to buy long-lasting insecticidal (mosquito) nets (LLINs) to help in the fight against malaria. In the time it will take you to read this post (30 seconds), one more child in Africa will have died from malaria. It's particularly horrible because it's so easy to prevent: bednets, which cost $5 each (just about the price of a venti frappucino), are almost 100% effective in preventing malaria. That's where Madness Against Malaria comes in.
Per Jordana:
"I read so many stories about the genocide of apathy - of 7 jumbo jets full of children disappearing because of malaria every day. I felt that it was unconscionable to read these stories, be horrified by them and then do nothing about it. So after reading an article in the
New York Times on Lance Laifer, a hedge fund manager who'd started an anti-malaria campaign, I contacted him to see what I could do. When he asked me to start up a Penn team, I jumped at the opportunity. ...$5 literally saves children's lives.
Plus you get to kick some Princeton ass in the process. Let's win this thing, people. Right now, Yale is beating us. That is just embarrassing."
Join the Penn team here!More info about Madness against Malaria